2018 Photo Project | Jan - Dec

2018 Photo Project | Jan - Dec

The year is complete and so is the 2018 Photo Project!

I cannot believe I made it a whole year. Seriously. I went into this project full of doubt, thinking that maybe i’ll just last a few months and give up. But here I am. 12 months worth of photos from the last year.

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4 Today! Happy Birthday to Us!

4 Today! Happy Birthday to Us!

Today, Becki Williams Photography turns 4!

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I gave up my job as a video editor to become a full time photographer. The time has absolutely flown past and I can’t imagine myself doing anything else!

So what did year number 4 bring with it?

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2018 Photo Project | September

2018 Photo Project | September

Now, I’m not going to lie - I’m actually writing this quite a way into October.

To be honest I’m quite impressed that I’ve made it all the way to October before a Photo Project blog was late.
But, wait - why does the blog date say early October? Well that my friend is blog, computer magic (or cheating…you know…one of the two!)

Now excuse me while I go back and remember what I actually did in September!

Ah yes, Rome!

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2018 Photo Project

2018 Photo Project

Before I was a professional photographer, a month wouldn't go past without me picking up my camera for fun. 

Whether I was going on holiday or just heading out to see what I could find, I enjoyed the freedom of photographing whatever I wanted without any pressure if I came home with nothing usable.

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My 6 New Years Resolutions

My 6 New Years Resolutions

To some people, New Years Resolutions are a waste of time.

Don't get me wrong, I know where they are coming from.  Why do we need a specific date to make big changes in our lives?  Why not make that change today?  Why change anything at all?

But at the same time, I love the feeling of having a 'fresh start'. 

Part of my love of New Years Resolutions comes from my love of setting myself tasks.  There is nothing more satisfying than crossing something you've accomplished off of a list.

My resolutions are nothing groundbreaking - in fact some of them are downright predictable but I'm excited to start working on them already.

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Happy Birthday to Us!

Happy Birthday to Us!

Thank you SO MUCH to all the lovely families that have put their faith in me to capture images of their bumps, newborns and babies over the last year.  I've met some amazing people, some of which have become good friends and I can't wait to continue photographing your families into the future. 

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