2018 Photo Project

Before I was a professional photographer, a month wouldn't go past without me picking up my camera for fun. 

Whether I was going on holiday or just heading out to see what I could find, I enjoyed the freedom of photographing whatever I wanted without any pressure if I came home with nothing usable.

peaceful evening on the canels while the sun sets and the ducks swim

When you turn a hobby into a profession it can sometimes lose a little of its original magic.  Don't get me wrong, I love photographing babies but I hardly ever pick up my camera for me anymore. 

At first I thought about doing a 365 challenge, where you take a photograph every single day of the year, but I didn't like the idea of it being something I forced myself to do or something I could fail at. 

Instead I have decided to simply carry my spare camera around with me a lot more and to just take more photos of anything and everything.

These two images below sum up the first few days of January.  Dreary, wet and windy outside and warm radiators for Jess to snuggle up to inside. 
The windowsill is her favourite spot to people watch, and by people watch I mean bark, constantly. 


Here's hoping that by the end I have a complete set of perfectly random images from the coming year.  I will try my best to not include Jess in all of them (but make no promises!!)