Sonny's Milestone Mini

Sonny's Milestone Mini

When people ask me what age is my favourite to photograph, I find it impossible to choose.

Newborns are tiny and new and special, 2/3 month olds are starting to smile and react to your silly noises, 6/8 month olds are chubby and smiley and one year olds are pure hilarious mischief.

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4 Today! Happy Birthday to Us!

4 Today! Happy Birthday to Us!

Today, Becki Williams Photography turns 4!

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I gave up my job as a video editor to become a full time photographer. The time has absolutely flown past and I can’t imagine myself doing anything else!

So what did year number 4 bring with it?

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Family Photography | Hitchin | Wriggles & Bum Shuffles!

Family Photography | Hitchin | Wriggles & Bum Shuffles!

Newborn Photo Shoot - sleepy cuteness!

I first met Harper for her newborn photo shoot around 8 months ago.  She was the perfect little sleepy model and we got a selection of gorgeous images - I mean, how cute is the image below?!  And that hair!!

8 month Session - wriggles and bum shuffles

As usual time disappeared in the blink of an eye and it was time for Harper's next milestone session.  I headed to their house and we got some gorgeous lifestyle family images as well as shots of Harper by herself.
I do sessions in all kinds of houses and every now and then I fall in love.  Beautifully decorated, loads of space and gorgeous sunlight - this house is a dream!

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