Hayward Family Photo Shoot | Leighton Buzzard

Hayward Family Photo Shoot | Leighton Buzzard

I first met the Hayward family back in 2015 when their son Harry was born.  They had a relaxed photo shoot in their home, which included a few studio style photos with Harry and then some relaxed family images. 

I was VERY excited to hear when Harry's little sister had arrived and we arranged to do a similar style shoot.

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Take The Picture - Photographing Your Family | Hemel Hempstead

Take The Picture - Photographing Your Family | Hemel Hempstead

Every Wednesday I have the very important job of collecting my niece Rosie from school. 
It generally involves a trip to Sainsburys for some kind of snack or magazine and then home to watch The Worst Witch and pretend we work in a cafe/school/dance academy. 
She quite happily spends the couple of hours we have together jumping around my house, flinging herself off of furniture with one main rule - Don't Hurt Yourself!

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