The Newborn Photographs you HAVE to take

The Newborn Photographs you HAVE to take

Expecting a baby is one of the most exciting times of your life.

 Pregnancy flies by in a rush of appointments, shopping for essentials and making sure you finish everything you need to at work before maternity leave starts. 

Having a baby is a huge life milestone, and you want to capture every precious moment of it.  I know from talking to parents in my newborn photography studio that the first few days after your baby arrives pass by in a beautiful blurry baby bubble.  So with that in mind I’ve created the definitive list of the newborn photographs you HAVE to take.

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Darcie's 6 Month Photo Shoot | High Wycombe

Darcie's 6 Month Photo Shoot | High Wycombe

Oh Darcie, how did you get so big, so fast??

I still remember getting the email from your mum letting me know that they were expecting another baby and being over the moon! And now here you are, a smiley, toe grabbing little monkey!

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Carys's Lifestyle Newborn Shoot at Home | St Albans

Carys's Lifestyle Newborn Shoot at Home | St Albans

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Carys’s mum and dad and asked to do a lifestyle newborn shoot at their house in St. Albans.

Lifestyle photo shoots are a lovely, natural and unposed alternative to studio newborn photography where the emphasis is on taking relaxed photos of the entire family in your own home.
The photos show a perfect little snapshot of this time in your life.

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Hayward Family Photo Shoot | Leighton Buzzard

Hayward Family Photo Shoot | Leighton Buzzard

I first met the Hayward family back in 2015 when their son Harry was born.  They had a relaxed photo shoot in their home, which included a few studio style photos with Harry and then some relaxed family images. 

I was VERY excited to hear when Harry's little sister had arrived and we arranged to do a similar style shoot.

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Lifestyle Newborn Photographer Hemel Hempstead - James

Lifestyle Newborn Photographer Hemel Hempstead - James

When Jame's family were searching for a lifestyle newborn photographer in Hemel Hempstead I'm so glad they came across my website.

James was a little older than the usual 5 - 10 day olds that I photograph in a posed session but was the perfect age for some relaxed lifestyle photos with his mum and dad. 

We started upstairs in their beautiful bedroom where the summer sun was shining in through their large windows. 
I laid James down on the bed and captured all those tiny details that won't stay tiny for long!

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Newborn Baby Pics | Elliot

Elliot's family got in touch recently to arrange for me to come and take some family and baby pictures for them.  

I prefer to take family photos in my clients home as the lifestyle fashion of photography means that their surroundings will be in the background of the photos.  I think it's so much nicer to see your home in your photos rather than a studio backdrop.
I like to think that in the future they will look back at their photos and remember things about their lives at that time.  'Remember when we lived there'  'That was before this or that happened' etc. 


The window light in their living area was perfect and made for the beautifully lit images. 

BABY PICS HEMEL HEMPSTEAD - family cuddles baby boy
BABY PICS HEMEL HEMPSTEAD - dad cuddles baby boy - black and white

As well as family images, I captured a few images of Elliot by himself.  There is no posing at this age and things are kept nice and simple.  Just look at those eyes! <3  

baby pics hemel hempstead - baby boy lays wrapped in blue blanket

Rather than just buy digitals, they decided to purchase lots of lovely prints to hang on their walls and give to family.  
I hope they enjoy their images for many years to come!

If you're interested in a lifestyle Baby or Family session
or have any questions, then please...


Maternity Photographer | St Albans

Recently I got to meet a lovely new mum to be for a maternity session in her home in St Albans.  

For some dads, getting in front of the camera for a maternity session is a big no no and other women would just like some photos of them and their bump to remember the journey they've taken together.

Who ever you want to be in your images is completely up to you!

I kept things quite simple for Rachel's session, starting with a collection of shots laying and sitting on her bed.  By the end of this post your should be able to guess her favourite colour!

Maternity Photographer St Albans
Maternity Photographer St Albans

She also wanted some classic topless shots, as well as some with her bump out so we did this against a wall in her bedroom using my lights.  

I just love the skirt she wore for these, it really shows her personality.

Maternity Photographer St Albans
Maternity Photographer St Albans

To finish off we went into the living room and got some beautiful relaxed shots backlit by her window.

Maternity Photographer St Albans
Maternity Photographer St Albans

I think this session shows that even with a few simple locations around your house, it's still easy to get a lovely selection of images to remember your pregnancy. 

I can't wait to go back and meet her little girl in a few weeks!


If you have any questions or are interested in booking then please....


Snow Day Photo Shoot! - Charlie turns 1

Just over a year ago, Charlie was one of my first super star newborns!  The stars aligned (along with all the training i'd been doing!) and he was beautifully sleepy on a lovely sunny winters day. 

I remember leaving his newborn shoot, happy that it was my best shoot yet and SO excited to show his parents his photos. 

In the summer, I went back for his second photo shoot and we were blessed with another beautiful sunny day where we got some lovely photos outdoors. 

Now he's only gone and turned 1 and he is my first completed 3 Shoot Package!

1 year old photo shoot hemel hempstead

We pushed his shoot date back a day when the weather man predicted snow and we were not disappointed!  We woke up on shoot day to just the right amount of snow for a 1 year old's adventure.

We started inside, giving him a little time to warm up to me again.  We got some photos with his toys, in his bedroom and in mummy and daddy's room.  Then it was time to head out into the snow...

child photo shoot hemel hempstead

Turns out walking inside is fine, but walking on the snow on the other hand - not so easy!  The sledge and snowballs were a definite hit though! 

child photo shoot hemel hempstead
lifestyle child photo shoot hemel hempstead
child photo shoot hemel hempstead
child photo shoot hemel hempstead
child photo shoot hemel hempstead

Three shoot packages are my absolute favourite.  I love getting to know each family over the year and watching their little ones grow. 

If you're interested in a lifestyle family photo shoot (sorry, I can't guarantee snow!) then please Get In Touch for more information.



Maternity Bump Shoot : Kat

Maternity Photo Shoot at home

A few weeks ago I made a very misguided journey (thank you once again sat nav...) to see Kat and her partner for their bump shoot in Aylesbury. 

They have booked a 3 shoot package which means I get to go back once their little one is born and then again after a few months to see how they've grown up. 

We mostly stuck with natural photos, using the living room, master bedroom & nursery to capture pictures of Kat alone and with her partner.

The nursery they have set up is beautiful.  I am happy to admit I will be stealing their ideas for whenever I am need of my first nursery! 

To finish, I used a plain wall in their bedroom to capture some more studio style shots including the classic heart on the tummy shot and one of my favourites, which I call the sexy mummy shot! 

They are a really lovely couple and I am very excited to go back and meet their newborn in March :)