Creative Newborn Photos Hemel Hempstead | Jamie

Creative Newborn Photos Hemel Hempstead | Jamie

Jamie and his family came to me from Stevenage for his Newborn Photos.

I first met them back in 2016 when I photographed his big brother so it was really great to see them all again.

Jamie wasn’t too interested in sleeping that day but we did get a few sleep moments, starting with his cuddles with his adorable big brother.

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Cute Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead | 2 Month Old Ben

Cute Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead | 2 Month Old Ben

When 2 month old Ben first came in for his photo shoot he was not having a good day.

Rather than keep pushing him on a day he obviously wasn’t up for it, I got a few photos and then called it a day. I’d rather babies come back when they’re feeling 100% rather than move them around lots on days when they aren’t feeling well.

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Cute Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead | Ralph

Cute Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead | Ralph

Nobody takes cute baby photos like an 6 month old!

And there is no better proof of that than little Ralph.

Ralph came in for his Baby Photo Shoot when he was 6 months old. His family had been bought a gift voucher and they decided to put it towards some lovely cute baby photos of him along with a few family photos.

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Darcie's 6 Month Photo Shoot | High Wycombe

Darcie's 6 Month Photo Shoot | High Wycombe

Oh Darcie, how did you get so big, so fast??

I still remember getting the email from your mum letting me know that they were expecting another baby and being over the moon! And now here you are, a smiley, toe grabbing little monkey!

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