Creative Newborn Photos Hemel Hempstead | Jamie

Creative Newborn Photos Hemel Hempstead | Jamie

Jamie and his family came to me from Stevenage for his Newborn Photos.

I first met them back in 2016 when I photographed his big brother so it was really great to see them all again.

Jamie wasn’t too interested in sleeping that day but we did get a few sleep moments, starting with his cuddles with his adorable big brother.

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Shoot & Share Photography Competition 2019

Shoot & Share Photography Competition 2019

Earlier this year I entered my very first Photography Competition - The Shoot & Share Photo Contest.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of photos are submitted by photographers from around the world ranging from cute baby photos, stunning wedding photos and gorgeous landscapes, all in a bid to see just how far they can get in the Shoot & Share Photo Contest.

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