Professional Baby Photos | Hemel Hempstead | Freya

Professional Baby Photos | Hemel Hempstead | Freya

Although you’ll generally hear that newborn photos are best taken when a baby is under two weeks old, I would never turn away a baby for being ‘too old’ for photos.

I may change my setups a little and we may get more awake, unposed photos than usual, but if you’ve missed that 2 week time slot, there’s no reason to panic.

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Cute Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead | Ralph

Cute Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead | Ralph

Nobody takes cute baby photos like an 6 month old!

And there is no better proof of that than little Ralph.

Ralph came in for his Baby Photo Shoot when he was 6 months old. His family had been bought a gift voucher and they decided to put it towards some lovely cute baby photos of him along with a few family photos.

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Everything you could ever need to know about your Newborn Photo Shoot

Everything you could ever need to know about your Newborn Photo Shoot

If you're like me, you like to plan everything down to the detail. 

I have check lists of things to take places, routes (and back up routes) of where I am going and will leave with enough time to spare that it's highly likely that I will be early. 
I'd much rather sit in my car and wait for an appointment than worry about being late (or even worse, actually be late)

If you're even a little bit like me, then this blog is just for you. 

The aim of this blog is to answer any question you may ever have about every stage of your newborn shoot - from booking to purchasing your images.

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