2018 Photo Project | September

2018 Photo Project | September

Now, I’m not going to lie - I’m actually writing this quite a way into October.

To be honest I’m quite impressed that I’ve made it all the way to October before a Photo Project blog was late.
But, wait - why does the blog date say early October? Well that my friend is blog, computer magic (or cheating…you know…one of the two!)

Now excuse me while I go back and remember what I actually did in September!

Ah yes, Rome!

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2018 Photo Project | August

2018 Photo Project | August

What an amazing Summer!

I could not get enough of the sunshine. Yes, there were a couple of days I may have had a little complain but on the whole I'm pretty sad to see it go. 
Time to dig out those jumpers and boots and snuggle in our dressing gowns as the darker nights creep in the the arguments about whether it's cold enough to put the heating on yet begin. 

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