Top Mummy YouTubers & Why You Should Watch Them!

Top Mummy YouTubers & Why You Should Watch Them!

in 2017/2018 there was a Youtuber baby boom.

From pregnancy updates, shopping, labour stories, mental health and baby loss - so many popular Youtubers shared their journey with us over the last year.

This year, things seemed to have slowed down a little on the Youtuber baby front, but we are now watching those babies grow and hearing all about their family life.

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Embracing Your Post Baby Body

Embracing Your Post Baby Body

Let's face it, the internet can be the perfect place to go when you want to feel bad about yourself after having a baby.

You're surrounded by stories of women who have 'bounced back' to their original figures (or even improved them) and probably even went for a 5 mile run 3 days after giving birth.

But let's have a reality check.  You just grew a baby.  You literally just performed a miracle, right there in your uterus.  Look at your tiny human and be proud. 

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Top Mummy YouTubers & Why You Should Watch Them!

Top Mummy YouTubers & Why You Should Watch Them!

Beside the usual cat videos, over the last few years the world has been taken by storm by children watching other children open and play with toys, adults acting out scenes with toys (yes, this is apparently acceptable) and tweenagers falling in love with YouTubers just like we did with pop stars.

If you think youtube is just for children and weirdoes though, you are very wrong!

Mum (and dad!) vloggers are taking to YouTube in force, sharing the ups and downs of pregnancy, children and family life. 

And when I say ups and downs, I mean it.  

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