Embracing Your Post Baby Body
/Let's face it, the internet can be the perfect place to go when you want to feel bad about yourself after having a baby.
You're surrounded by stories of women who have 'bounced back' to their original figures (or even improved them) and probably even went for a 5 mile run 3 days after giving birth.
But let's have a reality check. You just grew a baby. You literally just performed a miracle, right there in your uterus. Look at your tiny human and be proud.
“Your water broke, baby came, and suddenly life as you knew it changed forever. Of course, by then you were prepped and ready for all the changes baby was about to go through. But how prepared were you for the toll it’d all take on your body and self-esteem?”
Here are some tips to get started on your journey to embracing your new body
- Surround yourself with positive people. Whether it's your friends, your NCT group or an online community, talk to people and really listen to those in the same situation as you. Thousands of people have felt how your feel now and are waiting to support you. It may not feel like it now, but one day you'll be on the other side, supporting someone else.
- Do not compare yourselves to others. Every women has their own story and their own insecurities. Ignore the media because you know you can't believe 90% of the stories. The women who make the media for bouncing back in 30 minutes are the few, not the rule.
- Dress for your new body. Remember you are essentially learning how to dress a brand new body. You are a different shape and your favourite outfit may not make your feel as good anymore. It's time to experiment with new styles and treat yourself to a couple of new things.
“Also, that phrase “get your body back”? It’s not coming back exactly how it was. And you don’t want it to! It just made LIFE. ”
- Care for yourself - physically and mentally. It can be hard to remember to care for yourself when you spend all your time looking after your newborn. Try and take a little time for yourself to have a bath, do your hair, have your nails done. Just 10 minutes a day can make you feel so much better. Your support group are there to help so when then come round to see you, let's face it, it's to see the baby. Take 10 minutes to yourself. They won't mind!
That ten minutes doesn't have to be spent on the way you look either. Read a book, sit in silence in a room by yourself - do something that brings a little calm into your life.
- Exercise. Not to make you look better to make your feel better. Don't underestimate those endorphins. When you are able, join a prenatal work out class and surround yourself with mums going through the same things.
If you're not able to join a class, try simple exercises at home or head out for a walk.
Always remember to check with your doctor to make sure it's safe to exercise, especially if you had a c-section or difficulties during birth.
“Some days I wish it [my belly] didn’t jiggle so much and was a bit ‘firmer’ but then I just remember the awesome shit it’s done and cut myself some slack and go eat a cheeseburger, because we moms earned it.”
The brave women below have each made a video discussing how they feel about their post baby body. Click on each picture to be taken to their Youtube channel.
If you only have time to watch one, make it Charlotte Taylor's. She is amazingly honest and I found her video incredibly up lifting.