Professional Newborn Pictures Hemel Hempstead | Jack

Jack came from Chesham for his newborn pictures when he was just a couple of weeks old.

For the most part he was nice and sleepy but even when he was awake he made amazing eye contact with the camera and was very content.

We started with pictures with his big brother who although was a little hesitant in front of the camera at first, soon settled onto my fluffy blanket and snuggled up to his baby brother.

newborn baby boy cuddles up to his big brother at his newborn photo shoot i nhemel hempstead

Look at that peaceful little face! He was so comfortable being all wrapped up.

newborn baby boys lays asleep, wrapped in a blue wrap on a grey fluffy blanket at his newborn photo shoot in hemel hempstead

Once unwrapped, Jack decided it was time to be awake for a little while, although as you see, it was a struggle to keep his eyes open at some points!

With a little bit of milk and some cuddles, he soon drifted off to sleep and the gentle posing could begin.

newborn baby boy lays asleep on his side on a cream blanket for his newborn pictures in hemel hempstead

Just look at this adorable little baby! His cheeks are to die for.

close up of a sleeping, newborn baby boy’s face at his newborn photo shoot in hemel hempstead
newborn baby boy lays asleep on his tummy on a cream blanket for his newborn pictures in hemel hempstead

I love ending a newborn photo shoot on this white, fluffy blanket. If a baby wakes up, it’s a nice opportunity for some simple, unposed images on a nice clean background that leaves all the focus on them.
And if they stay asleep, they look angelic against the white.

newborn baby boy wrapped in a white wrap, laying asleep on a white fluffy blanket for his newborn pictures in hemel hempstead

No newborn photo shoot is complete without capturing those all important detail pictures. Those tiny toes and little hands that stay small for such a short amount of time.

close up detail photos of a newborn baby boy including ear, feet, lips, nose and hand

Jack’s parents had a special request when then filled out their booking form. His dad is really into bikes and cars and they asked to bring a helmet to pose him in. Although I can never guarantee I can get photos like this, I am always up for the challenge!

The helmet itself was way to small and unstable to actually fit Jack inside so instead I did a composite image. That is when I take two images and edit them together as one. I took one photo of the helmet and one photo of Jack, safely on my posing beanbag. I’m really happy with the result and mum and dad loved it to!

newborn baby boy sleeping in his da'd’s bike helmet for his neworn pictures in hemel hempstead

It was a pleasure meet you little Jack. I hope I get to photograph you again in the future!


Becki Williams is a Hemel Hempstead Photographer who specialises in Newborn, Milestone & Cake Smash pictures with babies under 1 years old.
If you’re looking for a fun, relaxed photo shoot in a comfortable home environment then pleas get in touch.