Baby Pictures | St Albans | Harry

I'm photographing so many milestone sessions lately that it's scary.

It only feels like I was photographing them as newborns 5 minutes ago, but here they are, smiling, sitting, standing, and full of personality. 

Harry's mum Liz got in touch earlier this year whilst pregnant with Harry.  Without knowing it, her brother had seen she'd liked my Facebook Page and contacted me to buy her a gift voucher. 
It worked out pretty perfectly!

I went and met the gorgeous Harry in March and took some photos of his chunky newborn rolls!

Now, 8 months later, it was time for my next visit.

These images are the perfect example of why baby pictures are so important.  Just look at the difference 8 months makes!  Using teddies like this is the perfect way to show how fast he's grown.

Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry as a newborn with his teddies
8 month old Harry in his cot with his teddies - St. Albans

When I take photos around peoples houses, I love to think of the children looking back in 10 years and their parents telling them stories about things in the images. 
Maybe the monkey mural was a huge pain to put on the wall, the bunting was made by a family member, the teddies he loved to play with.  I love to think that my images will be full of memories for them. 

Baby pictures-8 month old-Harry-Cot-Bunting

Ah, back to my favourite place to photograph babies - a big bed! 
Harry's mum is making a calendar of pictures of him for Christmas so we needed to tick a couple of months off of the list during his session.  First - Halloween. 

Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry on a big bed in a Halloween t-shirt
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry on his tummy on a big bed
Baby pictures - 8 month old - Harry - big bed - halloween
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry - feet - St. Albans

In typical 8 month old style, this little monster did NOT like staying still.  All he needs to do is flash you his dimples and you automatically forgive him though!

Baby pictures - 8 month old - Harry - smiles

To finish off his session we headed out to a local park in St. Albans.
Considering it was October, we completely lucked out with the weather and found ourselves in beautiful sunshine.

At this point we had to try and be more interesting than the tractor that was currently driving around the field (it was tricky!) but we managed to get some fun images with mum as well as some wintery images for his calendar. 

Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry and his mum playing in the park - St. Albans
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry and his mum playing in the park - St. Albans
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry and his mum playing in the park - St. Albans
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry in the park wearing a blue hat

Harry and his family are always really lovely to work with and I'm already looking forward to heading back to St. Albans for his 1 year session - let's face it, it'll be here before we know it!

If you're interested in having Baby Pictures taken or have any questions, then please...


Newborn Baby Pics | Elliot

Elliot's family got in touch recently to arrange for me to come and take some family and baby pictures for them.  

I prefer to take family photos in my clients home as the lifestyle fashion of photography means that their surroundings will be in the background of the photos.  I think it's so much nicer to see your home in your photos rather than a studio backdrop.
I like to think that in the future they will look back at their photos and remember things about their lives at that time.  'Remember when we lived there'  'That was before this or that happened' etc. 


The window light in their living area was perfect and made for the beautifully lit images. 

BABY PICS HEMEL HEMPSTEAD - family cuddles baby boy
BABY PICS HEMEL HEMPSTEAD - dad cuddles baby boy - black and white

As well as family images, I captured a few images of Elliot by himself.  There is no posing at this age and things are kept nice and simple.  Just look at those eyes! <3  

baby pics hemel hempstead - baby boy lays wrapped in blue blanket

Rather than just buy digitals, they decided to purchase lots of lovely prints to hang on their walls and give to family.  
I hope they enjoy their images for many years to come!

If you're interested in a lifestyle Baby or Family session
or have any questions, then please...


Baby Photography | Amelia Turns 1

Happy 1st Birthday Amelia!

I first met Amelia's mum and dad for their Maternity Session over a year ago.  The thing I remember most about their Maternity Session was the amount of discussion that went on about what they were going to call her!

I then went back a few weeks later and met baby Amelia (good choice!)

Where better to start than with the little chair that she got for her birthday.  In typical 1 year old fashion that of course means climbing on and nearly falling off of it many times. 


Window light is the most beautiful kind!

The thing I love about the bed photos is the fact that we got Maternity photos in this exact spot.  The perfect way to show how life has changed over the last year. 


These types of colourful wall murals are so popular right now and I absolutely love them.  I LOVE colour in photos, specially with older babies.


I love this photo <3

Gorgeous light coming in from the windows, the way she's looking up at her birthday balloon - love it!  There's just someone about it black and white that I adore. 

Interested in baby photography? Please... 


Baby Photographer | Hemel Hempstead

Isn't commuting the worst?  It took me a whole 3 minutes to drive to this session (they live about 4 roads away!)

Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - changing mat


This family had already taken some posed newborn photos when their little one was born (dad is a keen photographer) but they decided to hire a baby photographer to capture some more relaxed lifestyle photos that included the whole family. 
We started downstairs on the couch where I photographed some daily life - changing, feeding, cuddles etc before heading upstairs to take some pictures on their bed. 

Baby Photographer
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - baby girl on bed
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - baby girl

I also loved using their patio doors a blight for some bright backlit images. 

Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - Mummy and baby
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - lifestyle

I absolutely adore lifestyle images like these.  They really do show that moment in time of that little girls life.  

Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - baby on bed
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - family on bed


Have any questions or want to enquire about booking a session?

Baby photographer Hemel Hempstead Get In Touch

Baby Photos | Milton Keynes

It was an absolute pleasure to go and capture some baby photos for this family a few weeks ago.  You can see from the images what a happy and loving family they are! 

My pink tutu came out to play for this session as her mum liked lots of girly things.  I also think this may be the most outfit changes I've had in one session before!

As usual we started on my favourite place to photograph babies - the bed.  It wasn't long before the dog, mum and dad got in on the photos for some cuddles and giggles as well.

Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - Baby and dog
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - pink tutu, teddy, smiles

I just love the three images below.  Images like this are perfect to include in an album or in a triple frame. 

Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - daddy and baby
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - daddy and baby
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - dad & baby
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - relaxed, lifestyle
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - cute family pictures

There was some beautiful natural light coming into their living room window, which I of course had to make the most of to give a gorgeous bright background. 

Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - daddy kisses
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - mummy and baby

No session is complete without an image of the sleepy dog :)  This cutie enjoyed sleeping with her eyes open and snoring loudly!!!

Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - family and dog photographer

My fluffy blanket goes with me everywhere.  It's great for getting both slightly more studio style photos as well as just being laid on the floor for some extra comfort in some lifestyle images. 

Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - pink tutu
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - pink tutu
Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead - red tutu


***May 2016 Update***

I loved the images from this session so much that I decided to use them in my sample portrait album.  Take a quick look at the video to see the amazing quality of the album and how great the images look when printed.


Have a question or want to enquire about booking a session?  Please...


Baby Photographer | Ashish

Before I even start, just look at these eyes.... I mean come on - and the hair?!  This little guy is gorgeous!

Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - Blue Blanket
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - brown eyes

Ok, I can start now.   Meet Ashish (Did I mention how cute he was?)
He was a little old for a newborn session so instead we mixed up a lifestyle session in his home with a few studio style images using natural light.
He was lovely and content laying down and posing and even flashed me a few smiles :)

Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead Full body
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - Fur Close Up
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - Fur

His parents also wanted some family photos so I set up for some more lifestyle photos around the house. 

At this point it all got a bit too much and he drifted off to sleep.  It was the perfect opportunity to get some sleepy cuddles with mum and dad :)

Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead Family

Images like this, of Ashish in his daddy's hands, are the the perfect type of moment to look back on in months and years time and realise just how much he has grown. 

Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - Dad and baby
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead In Dads Hands
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead Family
Baby Photographer Hemel Hempstead - Mum and baby

If you have any questions or would like to enquiry about booking please...


Snow Day Photo Shoot! - Charlie turns 1

Just over a year ago, Charlie was one of my first super star newborns!  The stars aligned (along with all the training i'd been doing!) and he was beautifully sleepy on a lovely sunny winters day. 

I remember leaving his newborn shoot, happy that it was my best shoot yet and SO excited to show his parents his photos. 

In the summer, I went back for his second photo shoot and we were blessed with another beautiful sunny day where we got some lovely photos outdoors. 

Now he's only gone and turned 1 and he is my first completed 3 Shoot Package!

1 year old photo shoot hemel hempstead

We pushed his shoot date back a day when the weather man predicted snow and we were not disappointed!  We woke up on shoot day to just the right amount of snow for a 1 year old's adventure.

We started inside, giving him a little time to warm up to me again.  We got some photos with his toys, in his bedroom and in mummy and daddy's room.  Then it was time to head out into the snow...

child photo shoot hemel hempstead

Turns out walking inside is fine, but walking on the snow on the other hand - not so easy!  The sledge and snowballs were a definite hit though! 

child photo shoot hemel hempstead
lifestyle child photo shoot hemel hempstead
child photo shoot hemel hempstead
child photo shoot hemel hempstead
child photo shoot hemel hempstead

Three shoot packages are my absolute favourite.  I love getting to know each family over the year and watching their little ones grow. 

If you're interested in a lifestyle family photo shoot (sorry, I can't guarantee snow!) then please Get In Touch for more information.



First shoot of the year! - Sophie

Little did I know when I booked a lifestyle photo shoot for the beginning of the year, that it was going to be with one of the happiest and most personality filled babies that I have EVER photographed!

Everyone meet 9 month old Sophie.

Seeing her personality, I just knew I had to get some photos on her play mat.  The bright colours suited her personality to a T.


I then captured her beautiful smile on a nice simple fluffy rug before heading upstairs and getting some photos on mummy's big bed. 


Apparently Nanny has been teaching her this little trick!!


Finally we headed into her bedroom for some photos in her cot and in front her colourful book shelf. 


This 'lifestyle' approach to photography not only captures her beautiful personality - but also a snapshot of this time in her life - the house she will grow up in, her crib, her toys and books. 

If you're interested in a lifestyle shoot, or would like some more information, please Get In Touch!

1 Year Old Photo Shoot : Ella


Have I mentioned I love photographing 1 year olds?!  No? Well I do!

1 - 2 hours of acting as silly as you want, being used as a climbing frame, nose stealing, tummy tickling - I love it!

A few weeks ago I went to photograph Ella who had just celebrated her 1st birthday.  She's a smiley cheeky little girl who can crawl like lightening! 

We played pass the rhino & the egg in the living room, bang the toy against the cot in her bedroom, whose that in the mirror in her parents room and did some reading and crawling in between!

A typical day in the life of a 1 year old - but this time caught on camera :)

Baby Photo Shoot : Billie


Billie was my first shoot back after the new year, so I was excited to get things up and running.

Her and her mummy love all things girly and I think I shot her in 5 different outfits in the end!

At the start she was awake and wriggly and we got some lovely smiles and by the end we had one sleepy little girl.

We finished with some family photos with one zonked out Billie!

Christmas Photo Shoot : Rory


Rory's mum brought him to my house to get some Christmas photos in early December. 

I should be thanking Rory for letting me photograph him really because this little guy has already been scouted as a baby model! 

I started with a white fairy light set up, similar to what was used for Daisy's Christmas shoot a few weeks ago.  He loved the camera and kept crawling towards it, giving us lots of action shots! 

It was then time for an outfit change where he became Santa Rory and we went and played downstairs with ball balls and the Christmas tree.

I love to try and capture milestones at my shoots, specially in the first year, so it was great when we got a photo of him standing by himself - his latest trick :) 

Baby Photography : Toby


If you ever fancy having a themed photo shoot - there is no need to ask.  The answer is yes, Yes & YES!

Toby's mum contacted me a few weeks before Christmas and asked whether I would take some photos for a calendar she was putting together of him representing each month of the year to give out to family.

We started brain storming for what we could do (some months are really quite difficult!) and came up with a plan and a variety of props. 

As with a lot of 1 year olds, Toby's teeth were really not his friends on the day of the shoot.  That said, he was very patient with us putting him in (the most amazing) angel wings, picnic baskets, swimsuits etc. 

He looked SO CUTE as cupid!

I hope that all of the family liked their calendars :)