Metals, Albums & USBs - Gorgeous products i've recently delivered

Metals, Albums & USBs - Gorgeous products i've recently delivered

There are three main exciting stages to my job.

Number 1 - I get to hug/play with babies (you know, and photograph them...)
Number 2 - I show parents their images and see their reactions at their Reveal Session. 
Number 3 - I hand wrap and deliver their products, which according to a lot of my clients, is a lot like Christmas!

Here are some of my latest orders, all carefully packaged and hand delivered to their new homes. 

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Becoming a Photographer - My Journey

Becoming a Photographer - My Journey

I meet new people weekly.  I get to know them and I watch their family grow.

I get to capture moments in time that families can look back on and enjoy forever. 

I cuddle newborns, I sing with babies, I make tea for tired and emotional mums. 

I get to edit in my pyjamas! 

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Balloons & Bubbles | Summer Mini Photo Shoots 2017

Balloons & Bubbles | Summer Mini Photo Shoots 2017

This year I held Summer Mini Photo Shoots in Hemel Hempstead on the Nickey Line.

I call them 'summer', but I actually got so busy with Newborn shoots in the Spring that they ended up taking place on the last two weeks of August (whoops).
Thankfully we completely lucked out on the weather and had beautiful sunshine on both days (similar to last year so maybe they're lucky!)

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Spring Maternity Photo Shoots | Hemel Hempstead

Spring Maternity Photo Shoots | Hemel Hempstead

Spring is one of my favourite times of year for outdoor photo shoots. 

After dreaming of being able to wear boots for so long, the longing for summer shoes returns along with the earning for longer days and the smell of cut grass.  The sun starts to make a few more appearances and going out without a coat for the first time this year becomes an event. 

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Newborn Photo Shoot: Amelia

Newborn Photography - Amelia
Maternity Photography

I met Amelia's mummy and daddy a few weeks ago when they had a Bump Shoot in their house in Aylesbury.

There was still a lot of discussion over names at that time so I was very excited when I received an email letting me know that baby Amelia had arrived. 

I headed up there a few days after she was born and set up in their front room in front of their large patio doors. 

I used nice simple pale blankets for this shoot with a few pops of colour from headbands and wraps, including some family heirlooms. 

By the end of the shoot she was in a nice deep sleep and we got some lovely sleepy poses and a couple in a dress picked out by her daddy. 

If you're interested in booking a newborn shoot or have any questions please Get In Touch

Newborn Photo Shoot: Sonny

Sonny Newborn Photo Shoot


This was another one of those lovely occasions where I got to photograph a friends new little arrival.

Mathew grew up on the same street as my family and is a life long friend of my brother. 

I was VERY excited to hear of Sonny's arrival and headed over to their house in Hemel Hempstead a few days later for his newborn photo shoot.

I set my beanbag and backdrops up in their front room while Sonny had a little feed. 

He had just started to get settled when the health visiter arrived to do the heel prick test!  He was very brave and hardly let out a whimper despite them struggling to get his circulation to co-operate.

I started the shoot with him on one of my newer blue fleeces.  I absolutely love the colour of the lighter blue blanket.   I then switched to a cream blanket and got some photos with a blanket that his daddy used when he was a baby. 

By this time Sonny had settled into a nice deep sleep so it was time for some tummy poses.  I used a couple of cute hats and a lovely blue blanket before getting a few shots in my little white basket, which he could only just fit in!  

Sonny was so well behaved throughout the shoot and his mummy and I are already planning play dates in Gadebridge Park when we get our new puppy.

If you're interested in a newborn shoot or have any questions please Get In Touch.


Newborn Photo Shoot : Bethany

Newborn Family Photo Shoot

I was pleasantly surprised when Bethany's mummy got in contact to let me know she had arrived a day early (yay) as most of my newborns have been keeping their mummy's waiting recently!  We kept the pencilled shoot date the same and her and her little entourage came to my house for the shoot. 

When I do newborn shoots at my house I have a little rearrange of the dining area and set up by my patio doors.  Although I take a lot (A LOT) to my newborn shoots, being at home means I have all of my props and accessories to hand. 

To start with I took some photos of Bethany in a little basket on a wooden background.  She was very much awake (as apparently she had been all night...) but was happy to sit snuggled up.

We tried continuously throughout the shoot to get her to sleep but she was quite determined to stay awake for as long as possible.  

We took lots of breaks and had lots of feeds to keep her contented while I got some shots on the blanket backdrops.

When it was time for family photos, she finally fell into a deep sleep and was happy to be snuggled up in everyone’s arms. 

If you think you're interested in a newborn photo shoot, why not check out some of my other work in my Newborn Gallery or if you have any questions please Get In Touch


1 Year Old Photo Shoot : Ella


Have I mentioned I love photographing 1 year olds?!  No? Well I do!

1 - 2 hours of acting as silly as you want, being used as a climbing frame, nose stealing, tummy tickling - I love it!

A few weeks ago I went to photograph Ella who had just celebrated her 1st birthday.  She's a smiley cheeky little girl who can crawl like lightening! 

We played pass the rhino & the egg in the living room, bang the toy against the cot in her bedroom, whose that in the mirror in her parents room and did some reading and crawling in between!

A typical day in the life of a 1 year old - but this time caught on camera :)

Newborn Photo Shoot : Olivia


Meet Olivia, my cousins little girl and the newest member to our extending family!

I was lucky enough to meet her before a lot of my family (muahaha) when I went round to do her newborn shoot a few days after she was born.

Her mummy had asked my sister, who owns Rosie Jo Crochet on Etsy, if she would make Olivia a caterpillar outfit for the shoot and then asked me if I would photograph her in it.   

It's a hard job but someone's got to do it!

Olivia slept beautifully through most of the shoot, only waking a few times to be fed and changed, which meant I got to use a lot of different hats and accessories to give her mummy and daddy lots of different shots to choose from. 

I imagine you'll be seeing more of Olivia in the future as we are already planning the butterfly shot that will follow on from the caterpillar! 

Christmas Photo Shoot : Rory


Rory's mum brought him to my house to get some Christmas photos in early December. 

I should be thanking Rory for letting me photograph him really because this little guy has already been scouted as a baby model! 

I started with a white fairy light set up, similar to what was used for Daisy's Christmas shoot a few weeks ago.  He loved the camera and kept crawling towards it, giving us lots of action shots! 

It was then time for an outfit change where he became Santa Rory and we went and played downstairs with ball balls and the Christmas tree.

I love to try and capture milestones at my shoots, specially in the first year, so it was great when we got a photo of him standing by himself - his latest trick :) 

Baby Photography : Toby


If you ever fancy having a themed photo shoot - there is no need to ask.  The answer is yes, Yes & YES!

Toby's mum contacted me a few weeks before Christmas and asked whether I would take some photos for a calendar she was putting together of him representing each month of the year to give out to family.

We started brain storming for what we could do (some months are really quite difficult!) and came up with a plan and a variety of props. 

As with a lot of 1 year olds, Toby's teeth were really not his friends on the day of the shoot.  That said, he was very patient with us putting him in (the most amazing) angel wings, picnic baskets, swimsuits etc. 

He looked SO CUTE as cupid!

I hope that all of the family liked their calendars :)