Eliana's Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead

Eliana's Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead

Eliana came for her newborn photo shoot when she was 7 days old.

Her mummy knew she was having a c-section so we were actually able to book her shoot in on a certain day and keep it there, which doesn't happen very often when you're working with unpredictable newborns!

With a full tummy and toasty warm room, my run of perfectly sleepy babies continued as she slept from beginning to end without any fuss.

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Photographing my Family | Gadebridge Park

Photographing my Family | Gadebridge Park

The best thing about photographing family is that it's more like a day out rather than work.  I can try things and happily admit when they don't work and at the end you get to hang out, practice cartwheels and eat ice-cream.  (Unfortunately I was too full from ice-cream for the cartwheels otherwise obviously I would have joined in...)

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Newborn Photography | Hemel Hempstead | Albie

Newborn Photography | Hemel Hempstead | Albie

Albie was the perfect little model at his newborn photo shoot a couple of weeks ago.  He slept from the get go and pretty much stayed that way the entire shoot!

To start things off I used a lovely cream fluffy blanket.  You'll have to trust me on this but it is SO soft!  No wonder babies sleep so well on it.
I laid him down and got some natural photos while he got comfy and then when he was in a nice deep sleep I wrapped him up in a dark grey wrap. 

Also, check out the amazing mohican!

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Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead | Lylah

Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead | Lylah

Everyone meet Lylah.  This gorgeous little thing was towards the older end of the timescale that I offer newborn photo shoots so she was on the wriggly side!
My main aim for her session was to get some beautiful images with her mum as well as some images in props.

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Newborn Photo Shoot | St Albans

Newborn Photo Shoot | St Albans

The best part of my job is getting to watch families grow and photographing their journey.  I feel privileged to be chosen to capture these little moments of their lives for them to treasure. 

I first met this little family back in 2015 when they had their first son Casper. 
I travelled to their house in St. Albans for their session where little Casper played hard ball and did not want to settle.  He wasn't having the happiest of days so in the end I decided it would be best if I went away and tried again another day. 
In the end his parents got a lovely gallery of images to choose from of both awake and sleepy images. 

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Twins Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead

Twins Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead

I love photographing twins.  Some photographers think of it as extra work but I love having a spare baby.  One twin crying?  That's ok, just pass me the other until we're good to go again. 
I also find that when they are together they settle each other so well.  They're so used to being together in the womb that they love being close.

That was exactly the case with Jacob and Imogen when I met them and their mum and dad a few weeks ago. 

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