Why should I have a Newborn Photo Shoot?
/If you are wondering if you really NEED newborn portraits, then the answer is no. It’s not an essential purchase like your baby car seat or your pram.
BUT here are all of the reasons my clients tell me they are so grateful they made the decision to book their newborn photo shoot.
You really do forget how tiny your baby was. All of those tiny features change so quickly without you really noticing. So often, in the two weeks between the photo shoot and showing parents their final, edited images, they are shocked at just how much their newborn has changed already.
Having newborn portraits commits those features to your memory for ever.
My skills and equipment will give you portraits that are a world away from the ones you’ll be able to capture on your phone or camera. Baby skin is notoriously difficult to photograph. It usually has red undertones, can be very dry or your baby may be slightly jaundiced. Professional photography can even this out to give a true reflection of your baby.
If you’ve ever tried to take a nice, posed photo of your toddler, and failed miserably, try adding in a newborn! Getting beautiful sibling portraits is one of the best reasons to have professional newborn photography.
You can be in the images. Even if you don’t feel you’re looking like the best version of you, professional photography and lighting makes a world of difference. Having your whole family in one beautiful portrait is priceless.
You are documenting your family in the most amazing way possible. It’s not only you that will cherish your newborn portraits, your children and future generations will too.
I have a photo of my dad holding me as a newborn with my big brother and sister and it means the world to me.
You have access to professional quality wall art products via me. I have a wide range of products including digital images, prints and canvases to display your beautiful images.
One of the best parts about welcoming a new baby into the family is showing them off, right?! Professional portraits will show family and friends far and wide, exactly how beautiful and perfect your baby is. This is particularly lovely for those who have family living further away who won’t get a chance to see your baby in-person very often (Prints also make great, easy gifts for far away friends and relatives)
In the whirlwind of having a baby, parents love the time they spend in my studio - it’s often the first time they have had a few hours to sit back and just immerse themselves in the amazing feeling of being a family. It’s a beautiful, calm experience and so many of my clients are surprised at how much they enjoy their session. I’ve even had parents sneak in a little nap!
The newborn phase is the most beautiful, exhilarating time as a parent. Capturing professional portraits during this phase always makes the memories flood back every time you see the images.
If you need anymore reasons, have a read through these reviews from parents who have visited me for their newborn portraits:
“We couldn’t of asked for a better experience! Becki was absolutely amazing for our newborn photoshoot she made us feel very welcome into her home and allowed us to sit back and relax while she captured the most beautiful photos of our little one I cannot thank and recommend her enough absolutely beautiful. :)x”
“We couldn’t have had a better experience for our newborn photoshoot. Becki was professional and friendly throughout the shoot and during all communication before and after. On the day of the photoshoot my husband and I sat back and relaxed while Becki took care of everything. Becki was great with our son and as a result we have many lovely photos that we will cherish. I definitely recommend Becki Williams Photography.”
“Becki has done newborn photo shoots with both my children now and I would highly recommend her. She is extremely patient and calm during the shoot so the session is very relaxed. She is amazingly confident at handling babies, so much so that my daughter slept soundly throughout the whole thing, none the wiser that it had even happened. The results are fantastic and I have images that I will treasure forever.”