2018 Photo Project | July

2018 Photo Project | July

Whew it's been hot this month!

And no, don't worry, I'm not complaining. 

For the most part I've actually really enjoyed it.  There were just a couple of days where it got a bit much.  Those ones where walking from Sainsbury's to the car felt like a 2 minute stint inside an oven. 

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2018 Photo Project | March

2018 Photo Project | March

Ok so technically it's pretty grim outdoors but can we finally celebrate the fact that Spring is here now?

Yes ok it is pouring today, and yes ok there is more snow forecast in some places over Easter but yesterday - yesterday it was lovely and sunny!  We're not blessed with a whole bunch of sunny days in grand old Hemel Hempstead so lets not forget the ones we do have!

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2018 Photo Project | January

2018 Photo Project | January

This year, one of my goals is to start taking photos for fun again, rather than just for work.

It's been so long since I have taken photos for myself that I didn't even know if I'd enjoy just photographing every day life anymore.  As it happens I had nothing to worry about because I loved it.

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