Becki Williams Photography

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Bluebell Photo Shoots 2018 | St Albans

And so Bluebell Photo Shoots are over for another year!

We got off to a rocky start this year when the late snow meant that Spring was delayed by about 2 weeks. Mix in some rainy weekends and everything was a bit up in the air.

I made multiple trips to the woods to check to see how things were progressing and thankfully the bluebells didn't let us down in the end!  

A big high five to all the families who came out on the first Saturday.  It may have been spitting and we may have had to negotiate our way around a bit of mud but you'd never know in your photos. 

Luckily as the week went on, the weather made a massive u-turn and we were treated to some beautiful warm sunshine.  The mud dried and the bluebells perked up and were blooming marvellous (yes I just said that...) 

It went without a hitch (I'm choosing to forget that I knelt in dog poo at one point) and I had lots of fun on adventures with monsters, finding sticks and singing songs from Moana. 

It was great to meet some new families and also get to photograph lots of families i've met before.  One of my favourite parts of my job is getting to see kids grow up and mini shoots are perfect for that. 

Let's do it again next year!!

See this gallery in the original post