Baby Photography | Hitchin | Harper Turns 1!

All grown up in a blink of an eye.

Back in 2016 I met Harper and her family for her newborn photo shoot.

She was tiny little bundle of sleepiness, who slept like a dream, snuggled in the cosiness of her mum and dad's gorgeous house.  See how tiny she is in her dad's arms?  Well stick around...

newborn asleep & curled up for professional photography
family cuddles newborn during professional photography in hitchin

8 months later and it was time for a catch up.

Not a tiny baby anymore, Harper was now full of personality and had not only mastered the art of sitting, but was close to standing confidently as well. 
They are the perfect little family to photograph, relaxed and happy for me to capture those natural moments.

6 month old being changed by mum for natural baby photography in hitchin
8 month old playing with dad on bed for professional photography in hitchin
8 month old girl sits on bed for professional photography in hitchin

And just like that, little miss Harper turned 1.

For the final photo shoot in their My First Year package, Harper's family decided to head to the park for some outdoor fun.
I've never met a 1 year old who doesn't love a swing so naturally it was the first stop. 

1 year old swings on swing with dad for professional photography
1 year old swings on swing with dad for professional photography
1 year old swings on swing with dad for professional photography

From the swing it was time to climb and explore, with the help of mummy and daddy of course.  There may have been a slight face plant on the slide at one point but after some hugs and kisses she was ready to take on the world once again. 

1 year old on a slide with her dad in the park for professional photography
1 year old with mum in a park, playing

Check out the image below - it's just FULL of her little personality!

happy 1 year old in park while having professional photos taken in hitchin
1 year old playing in a park in pirton for photo shoot

From the play park we moved onto an open field where we had to try our best to be more interesting than the people playing football and the odd dog that walked past capturing her attention.

I love this image of her walking.  I think it really captures her unsteady steps.  Even in the short time it's been since taking these photos I bet her walking has changed so much. 

1 year old walking unsteadily in a park in hitchin

Just like the swings, bubbles are a firm favourite and live side by side with my picnic blanket, ready to bring out at any outdoor photo shoot. 

1 year old baby plays with bubbles in pirton, hitchin
1 year old girl plays with bubbles in a park for photo shoot
1 year old girl and her mum outdoors having cuddles for professional photography

Now look back at the first image of Harper in her dad's arms and see how much she has grown in one year!   And the insanely fast growing doesn't stop here.
I hope they continue to take the time to capture little moments like this as she grows (professionaly or not) as they will be so lovely for her to look back on when she is grown up. 

family with 1 year old girl stand smiling in a field looking at the camera for professional photography


If you'd like any more information or would like to book a
relaxed and fun Photo Shoot then please

Get In Touch!