Becki Williams Photography

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Cute Baby Photos Hemel Hempstead | Sienna

Sienna was a little older when she came in for her newborn photo shoot but I think these photos show that cute baby photos aren’t just reserved for brand new newborns!

Her mum and dad wanted just one picture of them all together and then for the spotlight to be fully on their new little girl.

I find it so funny how some babies will completely relax when wrapped and others will fight their way out with an impressive amount of gusto.
Sienna was somewhere in between - She was ok being wrapped but she liked to stretch her arms and have a little test to see if she could escape.

To me, my furry blankets help make the cutest baby photos. They are nice and simple and leave all the focus on Sienna. They are also extremely fun for little fingers to grab and tug on!

I think baby pink is her colour - don’t you?

Just look at that gorgeous face! One of the great things about having photos taken when babies are a little older is that you really get to start to see their cheeky personalities.

Detail photos are perfect no matter what the age.

Thank you very much for letting me photograph you Sienna. I hope I get to see that smiley face again in the future.

I am a Hemel Hempstead Photographer who specialises in Posed Newborn Photography.
After getting married in 2014 I made the scary decision to take my photography business from just the weekends to a full time business - and i’ve not looked back since!
Over the last 5 years I have met hundreds of wonderful families and their babies and taken thousands of photos that I hope people will treasure for a lifetime.

See this gallery in the original post