Becki Williams Photography

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2018 Photo Project | September

Now, I’m not going to lie - I’m actually writing this quite a way into October.

To be honest I’m quite impressed that I’ve made it all the way to October before a Photo Project blog was late.
But, wait - why does the blog date say early October? Well that my friend is blog, computer magic (or cheating…you know…one of the two!)

Now excuse me while I go back and remember what I actually did in September!

Ah yes, Rome!

A few months ago I sent a message on a whim to some friends, asking if maybe they would like to go away sometime. Before I knew it, we had tickets booked to beautiful Rome.

Although I have been to Rome before, it was over 10 years ago and on a backpackers budget so I could hardly afford to eat, let alone pay for guides or go into any buildings that weren’t free.

So we abandoned our husbands and headed off to (very) sunny Rome for a long weekend.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all the main sights of Rome (we saw the actual Pope - not even kidding) but I also love walking through the winding streets and seeing what I come across. It’s there you find the gorgeous cobbles, brightly painted doors and windows and plants draping from one side of the street to the other.

If you’ve not been, I highly recommend it.

Now where should I go next??

See this gallery in the original post